Chinese Law Updates: Foreign State Immunity Law of the People's Republic of China
2023-09-02 15:09:39
Concord & Sage

Foreign State Immunity Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国外国国家豁免法

(Passed at the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress on September 1, 2023)

Article 1 To improve the system of foreign state immunity, clarify the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China over civil cases involving foreign states and their properties, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned, uphold state sovereignty equality, promote friendly foreign exchanges, and enact this law in accordance with the Constitution.

第一条 为了健全外国国家豁免制度,明确中华人民共和国的法院对涉及外国国家及其财产民事案件的管辖,保护当事人合法权益,维护国家主权平等,促进对外友好交往,根据宪法,制定本法。

Article 2 The term "foreign state" as used in this Law includes:

第二条 本法所称的外国国家包括:

(i) Sovereign foreign states;


(ii) Organs or constituent parts of sovereign foreign states;


(iii) Organizations or individuals authorized by sovereign foreign states to exercise sovereign powers and who act on the basis of such authorization.


Article 3 Foreign states and their properties enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China, except as otherwise provided by this Law.

第三条 外国国家及其财产在中华人民共和国的法院享有管辖豁免,本法另有规定的除外。

Article 4 If a foreign state expressly accepts the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China for a specific matter or case through one of the following means, it shall not enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China for litigation arising from that matter or case:

第四条 外国国家通过下列方式之一明示就特定事项或者案件接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖的,对于就该事项或者案件提起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:

(i) International treaties;


(ii) Written agreements;


(iii) Submitting written documents to the courts of the People's Republic of China handling the case;


(iv) Submitting written documents to the People's Republic of China through diplomatic channels;


(v) Other means of expressly accepting the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China.


Article 5 A foreign state is deemed to have accepted the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China for a specific matter or case in any of the following circumstances:

第五条 外国国家有下列情形之一的,视为就特定事项或者案件接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖:

(i) Initiating litigation as a plaintiff in the courts of the People's Republic of China;


(ii) Participating as a defendant in litigation accepted by the courts of the People's Republic of China and defending on the merits of the case or filing a counterclaim;


(iii) Participating as a third party in litigation accepted by the courts of the People's Republic of China;


(iv) Filing a counterclaim in the courts of the People's Republic of China due to the same legal relationship or facts when initiating litigation as a plaintiff or making litigation claims as a third party.


If a foreign state has the situation described in item (ii) but can prove that it was impossible to know the facts that could claim immunity before making such a defense, it can claim jurisdictional immunity within a reasonable time after knowing or should have known such facts.


Article 6 A foreign state is not deemed to have accepted the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China in any of the following circumstances:

第六条 外国国家有下列情形之一的,不视为接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖:

(i) Defending in litigation solely for the purpose of claiming immunity;


(ii) Representatives of the foreign state testifying in the courts of the People's Republic of China;


(iii) Agreeing to apply the law of the People's Republic of China for a specific matter or case.


Article 7 Commercial activities conducted by a foreign state with organizations or individuals, including those in the People's Republic of China, that occur within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or even if they occur outside the territory but have a direct impact within it, do not enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China for litigation arising from such commercial activities.

第七条 外国国家与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人进行的商业活动,在中华人民共和国领域内发生,或者虽然发生在中华人民共和国领域外但在中华人民共和国领域内产生直接影响的,对于该商业活动引起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免。

Commercial activities referred to in this law mean non-sovereign acts related to the transactions, investments, lending, and other actions of a commercial nature regarding goods or services. When determining whether an act is a commercial activity, the courts of the People's Republic of China shall comprehensively consider the nature and purpose of the act.


Article 8 If a contract signed by a foreign state for the provision of labor or services by an individual is performed wholly or partly within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the foreign state does not enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China for litigation arising from such contract, except in the following circumstances:

第八条 外国国家为获得个人提供的劳动或者劳务而签订的合同全部或者部分在中华人民共和国领域内履行的,对于因该合同引起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免,但有下列情形之一的除外:

(i) The provision of labor or services by the individual is for the performance of specific functions in which the foreign state exercises sovereign powers;


(ii) The individual providing labor or services is a diplomat, consular officer, a representative of an international organization stationed in China with immunity, or other personnel with related immunity;


(iii) The individual providing labor or services has the nationality of the foreign state at the time of initiating litigation and does not have a habitual residence within the territory of the People's Republic of China;


(iv) There is another agreement between the foreign state and the People's Republic of China.


Article 9 For litigation arising from personal injury, death, or damage to movable or immovable property caused by the relevant acts of a foreign state within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the foreign state does not enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China.

第九条 对于外国国家在中华人民共和国领域内的相关行为造成人身伤害、死亡或者造成动产、不动产损失引起的赔偿诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免。

Article 10 For litigation concerning the following property matters, the foreign state does not enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China:

第十条 对于下列财产事项的诉讼,外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:

(i) Any rights or obligations of the foreign state in relation to immovable property located within the territory of the People's Republic of China;


(ii) Any rights or obligations of the foreign state concerning the gift, bequest, inheritance of movable or immovable property, or arising from no heir;


(iii) Rights or obligations of the foreign state involved in the management of trust property, bankruptcy property, or during the liquidation of legal or non-legal organizations.


Article 11

For the following intellectual property lawsuits, foreign countries do not have jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China:

第十一条 对于下列知识产权事项的诉讼,外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:

Determining the ownership and related rights of intellectual property protected by the law of the People's Republic of China that belongs to that foreign country.


Infringements by the foreign country within the territory of the People's Republic of China on intellectual property rights and related rights protected by Chinese law.


Article 12

Disputes arising from commercial activities between a foreign country and organizations or individuals, including those of the People's Republic of China, which are submitted to arbitration based on written agreements, or when a foreign country consents in written form, such as international investment treaties, to arbitrate its investment disputes with organizations or individuals from other countries, including the People's Republic of China, do not enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the PRC for the following matters:

第十二条 外国国家与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人之间的商业活动产生的争议,根据书面协议被提交仲裁的,或者外国国家通过国际投资条约等书面形式同意将其与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人产生的投资争端提交仲裁的,对于需要法院审查的下列事项,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:


Article 11

For the following intellectual property lawsuits, foreign countries do not have jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the People's Republic of China:

第十一条 对于下列知识产权事项的诉讼,外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:

Determining the ownership and related rights of intellectual property protected by the law of the People's Republic of China that belongs to that foreign country.


Infringements by the foreign country within the territory of the People's Republic of China on intellectual property rights and related rights protected by Chinese law.


Article 12

Disputes arising from commercial activities between a foreign country and organizations or individuals, including those of the People's Republic of China, which are submitted to arbitration based on written agreements, or when a foreign country consents in written form, such as international investment treaties, to arbitrate its investment disputes with organizations or individuals from other countries, including the People's Republic of China, do not enjoy jurisdictional immunity in the courts of the PRC for the following matters:

第十二条 外国国家与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人之间的商业活动产生的争议,根据书面协议被提交仲裁的,或者外国国家通过国际投资条约等书面形式同意将其与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人产生的投资争端提交仲裁的,对于需要法院审查的下列事项,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:

The validity of the arbitration agreement.


The appointment, challenge, removal, and related disputes of arbitrators.


Determining the jurisdiction of the arbitration institution or the arbitrators.


The preservation, implementation, or modification of property or evidence during the arbitration process.


Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.


Article 13

For the purposes of this Law, commercial activities refer to activities of trade, investment, financing, transportation, telecommunications, cultural exchanges, and other civil and commercial activities carried out by foreign countries, but excluding activities carried out in the exercise of sovereign power by foreign countries.

第十三条 本法所称的商业活动,是指外国国家进行的贸易、投资、融资、运输、电信、文化交流等民商事活动,但不包括外国国家行使主权权力进行的活动。

Article 14

Foreign countries' properties are exempt from judicial enforcement measures in the courts of the People's Republic of China.

第十四条 外国国家的财产在中华人民共和国的法院享有司法强制措施豁免。

Acceptance of jurisdiction by foreign countries in the courts of the People's Republic of China is not considered a waiver of exemption from judicial enforcement measures.


Article 15

Properties of foreign countries under the following circumstances are not considered for commercial purposes as stipulated in the third item of Article 14 of this law:

第十五条 下列外国国家的财产不视为本法第十四条第三项规定的用于商业活动的财产:

Properties intended for or used for official purposes by diplomatic or consular missions, special missions, delegations to international organizations, or delegations sent to international conferences, including funds in bank accounts;


Properties of a military nature or those intended for or used for military purposes;


Properties of the central bank of a foreign country or regional economic integration organization or a financial management institution that performs the functions of a central bank, including cash, notes, bank deposits, securities, foreign exchange reserves, gold reserves, and other properties of the said central bank or the financial management institution;


Article 16

Properties of foreign countries under the following circumstances are considered for commercial purposes as stipulated in the third item of Article 14 of this law:

第十六条 下列外国国家的财产视为本法第十四条第三项规定的用于商业活动的财产:

Properties for commercial, cultural or scientific exhibitions not held for profit;


Properties of foreign countries' state-owned enterprises or entities engaged in commercial, industrial, financial, or other economic activities, including the funds in bank accounts;


Properties specifically intended for or used for commercial, industrial, financial, or other economic purposes.


Article 17

The provisions of this law are equally applicable to the regional economic integration organizations that the People's Republic of China has diplomatic relations with.

第十七条 本法的规定同样适用于中华人民共和国与之建交的区域经济一体化组织。

Article 18

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China is responsible for the interpretation of this law regarding foreign affairs.

第十八条 本法关于外交事务的解释权归中华人民共和国外交部。

Article 19

The People's Republic of China's courts should accept certificates issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China on the following factual issues related to state acts:

第十九条 中华人民共和国外交部就以下有关国家行为的事实问题出具的证明文件,中华人民共和国的法院应当采信:

Whether the relevant country in the case constitutes a foreign sovereign state as mentioned in the first item of Article 2 of this law;


Whether the diplomatic note stipulated in Article 17 of this law has been delivered and the date of its delivery;


Other factual issues related to state acts.


Article 20

For other issues related to diplomatic affairs or other major national interests, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China can provide opinions to the courts of the People's Republic of China.

第二十条 对于前款以外其他涉及外交事务等重大国家利益的问题,中华人民共和国外交部可以向中华人民共和国的法院出具意见。

Article 21

This law's provisions do not affect the privileges and immunities enjoyed by foreign diplomatic representations, consular institutions, special missions, representative delegations to international organizations, delegations dispatched to international conferences, and relevant personnel of these institutions based on the laws of the People's Republic of China, the international treaties concluded or participated in by the People's Republic of China.

第二十一条 本法规定不影响外国的外交代表机构、领事机构、特别使团、驻国际组织代表团、派往国际会议的代表团及上述机构的相关人员根据中华人民共和国的法律、中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约享有的特权与豁免。
