Huansheng LiuOf Counsel
Professional fields and experience
Social activities and honors
Academic achievements
Educational background
Working languages
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Professional fields and experience

In addition to holding a Chinese attorney qualification, Mr. Liu also holds the following professional qualifications in China: certified public accountant, certified public valuer, securities practitioner, and fund practitioner.

Since his practice, attorney Liu has served as a perennial legal adviser for many large and medium-sized enterprises, and has handled many difficult and major litigation cases and non-litigation projects.  His practice areas include corporate investment and financing, corporate compliance, corporate mergers and acquisitions, foreign-related legal services, as well as financial securities, private equity, asset management, and other capital market businesses.

Mr. Liu currently serves as the Chinese legal counsel for our firm and is responsible for our business matters in Central China.

Social activities and honors
Academic achievements

He has long been engaged in teaching and research in international economic law, company law, contract law, economic law and other courses, with profound theoretical foundation and rich scientific research achievements.  He has published two law monographs, presided over one national social science fund project, two provincial and ministerial level projects, and published more than 10 national core papers.At the same time, he serves as legal adviser, arbitrator, expert advisory committee member of civil and commercial trial supervision at all levels of government departments, expert reviewer of difficult cases of the people's court, special case reviewer, chief legal advisory expert, legislative advisory expert, and expert of the legal committee of the private economy promotion committee.

Educational background

Master of International Economic Law and Doctor of International Law, Southwest University of Political Science & Law

Working languages
Chinese; English;
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