美国营商本地化商法专题 | 股份认购协议(Subscription Agreement)和股东协议(Shareholder Agreement)的区别
2025-01-03 22:03:08

在公司创立阶段,通常会签署“股东协议(Shareholders AgreementSHA)”和“股份认购协议(Share Subscription AgreementSSA)”。虽然有时为了简化交易流程,会将两份文件合并为一份“投资协议”,然而两份文件各有侧重,为了保持条款的清晰和条理性,分别签署能更好地为公司日后的管理和投资者权益的保护奠定基础。本文将探讨股东协议(SHA)和股份认购协议(SSA)在实践中的差异与联系,为企业创始人和投资者提供参考。











Key Clauses in a Share Subscription Agreement (SSA):

Subscription and Issuance of SharesThe company agrees to issue 10,000 shares to the investor at $10 per share, payable in one tranche.

Conditions Precedent. This agreement shall become effective upon the completion of regulatory filings and the transfer of subscription funds.

Representations and Warranties. The company represents that it is duly incorporated and has no undisclosed liabilities.

Use of Proceeds. The proceeds from this subscription will be used exclusively for product development and market expansion.

Indemnification. The company agrees to indemnify the investor against any losses arising from misrepresentation or breach of warranties.

Confidentiality. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary and financial information for a period of five years.

Closing. Closing shall occur within 10 business days after the fulfillment of all conditions precedent, at which point the shares will be issued to the investor.


Key Clauses in a Shareholders' Agreement (SHA):

Share Transfer Restrictions. No shareholder may transfer shares without offering them first to the other shareholders on the same terms.

Drag-Along and Tag-Along Rights. If a majority shareholder sells their shares to a third party, minority shareholders shall have the right to sell their shares on the same terms.

Board Composition and Decision-Making. Board decisions on reserved matters, including mergers or acquisitions, shall require a unanimous vote.

Dividends and Profit Distribution. The company shall distribute dividends not exceeding 40% of net annual profits unless agreed otherwise by shareholders.

Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Clauses. Shareholders agree not to directly or indirectly compete with the company for a period of two years after leaving.

